Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Eva-dry Edv-1100 Electric Petite Dehumidifier,, Great dehumidifier for individual rooms in my opinion

A yesterday. I search for information on the Eva-dry Edv-1100 Electric Petite Dehumidifier, White, so i would like to describe here.

This little unit is extremely quiet and has now been in my bathroom for 3 hours. After that brief span of time, there is 1/3 of a cup of water in the tank. Yes, I have an apartment disgustingly wet. the only thing I can see that might be a bad thing is that the cable is a bit on the short side. This doesn't affect me, as there aren't any outlets in my bathroom ridiculously ghetto anyway, but if you live in a regular spot, you would not be able to set this plan if

Eva-dry Edv-1100 Electric Petite Dehumidifier,

The Eva-Dry Electric Petite Dehumidifier uses Peltier Technology (no compressor) which makes it light and quiet. It is perfect for bathrooms, and small to mid-sized rooms where dampness and humidity are a problem. This unit is small enough to easily fit on your desk or workbench. It extracts the moisture from the air and stores it in a spill-proof reservoir. Just plug it in and .... Read more or Check Price


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